TAKEN: The Based Brotherhood

Welcome to TAKEN, a community forged from the timeless values of brotherhood and unity. At the core of TAKEN, we believe in the strength that comes from solidarity, mutual support, and the shared bonds that unite us. We have several members who offer advice to other members from MARKETING to Contract Deployment. We have someone who can answer your questions! TAKEN is a network of talented individuals looking to expand the network.

Our Mission TAKEN is more than just a community; it's a movement dedicated to nurturing the spirit of brotherhood in every aspect of life. We are a sanctuary for those who seek connection, a beacon for those aspiring to a camaraderie that transcends the ordinary. Our mission is to empower individuals to form strong, enduring bonds that support personal growth and collective well-being.

Our Vision We envision a world where brotherhood is the cornerstone of society, where every individual has a tribe they can call their own. TAKEN is committed to creating a space where respect, empathy, and loyalty are not just ideals, but practiced virtues. We strive to inspire actions that embody our belief in the power of togetherness.

Our Values

  • Unity: We stand together, shoulder to shoulder, celebrating our collective identity while respecting our individual differences.
  • Support: We are here for each other, in times of triumph and trial, always ready to lift one another up.
  • Strength: The strength of TAKEN lies in the unwavering bond between its members, a force that empowers each of us to face life's challenges with courage.
  • Progress: We believe in moving forward together, learning from each other, and harnessing the power of our unity to make a positive impact in the world.

Join Us Whether you're seeking a circle of support, looking to contribute to a greater cause, or simply want to be part of a community that values deep connections, TAKEN welcomes you. Join us in forging a new path where brotherhood is the guiding light to a more compassionate and cohesive society. https://t.me/TakenBrother


  • Liquidity is locked, The LP TOKENS have been burned so there is no undoing the LOCK.

    Creating a SAFU environment for all TAKEN brothers.
  • We've renounced the contract the owner is the dead address so no one can interact with the smart contract for TAKEN


Ape.Store prevents rugs by making sure that all created tokens are safe. Each token on Ape.Store is a fair-launch with no presale and full transparency on allocation. When the marketcap reaches 69k the token is automatically sent over to uniswap and lp tokens burned.